Phil Leigh;643171 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure whether I should feel very happy or very sad about that!
Logitech management have never read this forum, it simply doesn't work
in a big corporation like Logitech. It worked with Slim Devices where
the distance between management and end users were extremely short, I
could post a question to the forum and I'd get answer directly from the
CEO or CTO, that's a very special situation and it only occurs in small
companies. As expected, that connection were completely lost when
Logitech took over, especially when Sean and Dean left. These days the
Logitech developers are the link between end users/community members
and management but it's important to realize that in a big corporation
like Logitech not even the Logitech developers might have direct
contact with the people making the decisions. 

The good thing with the Logitech way of doing things is that:
- Management have the possibility to follow a long term strategy
without the risk of being influenced by short term issues/obstacles
introduced by community/end users. This of course assumes there is a
long term strategy, which some of us seriously doubt. IMHO, Slim
Devices has a lot of issues related to this, often minor
issues/additions introduced by the community resulted in that they had
to move the release plan and couldn't keep up with their long term
strategy, few people have the courage to say "No" to a end user that
wants something because they like to follow a long term strategy.

The bad thing with the Logitech way of doing things is that:
- Management is sometimes not aware of short term issues/obstacles that
will completely destroy their reputation or product and due to this stop
them from realizing their long term strategy.
- Management doesn't have the understanding how their product is used
by end users.
- Management isn't able take advantage of all the experience, knowledge
that exists in the community and is available more or less for free.

Personally, I think the problem is more related to missing strategy and
understanding of the product than missing contact with the community


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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