Mnyb;665255 Wrote: 
> What happend was that the scan of separate folders did not work Dynamic
> was the only plugin of yours I had except for the license manager.
> i will try with your plugins later this week .
> What I ecountered was that they somehow broke the separate scanning of
> folders and contents , scanning for playlist or picture launched
> rescans of media files including music etc. The system had only two
> scan modes "clear and rescan everything" and "scan for new and changed"
> none of the new scan modes introduced since bug 17614 would work.
Ok, that's probably the locked database issue.

I've done a desperate try to solve this in the latest version of
TrackStat and Dynamic Playlist which I just released, so give it a try
and report back if it still doesn't work.

The new logic is that all writes requests in TrackStat and Dynamic
Playlist are cached and written to the database after the rescan has
finished. It's not going to work 100% correct as there are a lot of
places that will still read the old values from the database, but
hopefully it at least solves the "crashes". My feeling is that this
isn't a long term solution, it's definitely not something I'd like to
maintain on longer terms, but hopefully the database is locked bug is
solved by Logitech in 7.7.x as it's currently scheduled:

Anyone that wants to continue using TrackStat and Dynamic Playlist
during full rescans should give that bug a vote to ensure it gets


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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