I'm very happy to see that 7.9 now has different browsing menus for
artist and album artist - but it also seems to have different settings
and I'm not sure who how to user them and "how to get what I want".

"Status quo":

a) If I choose "Album Artists" from main menu, I see only artists with
at least one "own" album (tagged as album artist) in my collection -
FINE! :-)
b) If I choose "All Artists" from main menu, I see ALL artists, even
those, who are "on compilations only"  - FINE TOO! :-)

If I click on the links 


I get exactly the SAME results - a list with all albums, ABBA are listed
as a TRACK artist (also the compilations)

I would have expected:

a) a list only with some albums where ABBA are tagged as "Album artist"
b) a list with all albums where ABBA are listed as "Track artist" on one
or more tracks.

Am I wrong?

Viewing "options" I only seem to habe 2 options (translated from my
german installation so wording might be slightly different):
- "Use separate lists for album-artists and all-artists" (which is set)
- "TPE2 MP3-Tag use as album artist" (which is set)

Do I have to change settings?
Do I have to do a full rescan?
Or do I understand the feature wrong?

In every case once again THANK YOU, mherger!! It's a great improvement
in the right direction anyway!

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