playlists worked fine in 7.8;

I know. But would they still work fine if you installed 7.8 today?

files have been on an external disc for
years.  i did disable iTunes integration several months ago, while still
using 7.8, and everything worked fine.  i also had a hard disc issue
recently, so moved my files to a new HD, and pointed LMS at the new

Are you sure the problems didn't start when you had to replace the disk? Internal or external isn't the question. It's about the mount point (disk's name) which might have changed. By going back to 7.8 today you'd see immediately whether this is 7.9 or some other parameter on your system.

if i understand you correctly, i need to edit the file path of the PLs
themselves to match the new location.  done.  rescanned.  this fixed the
missing PL tracks, but did not fix the issue with PL appearing in the
transporter.  that list is still empty.

Well, I didn't expect you to do this. I would have preferred to understand what was wrong in the first place. Because if this is indeed a 7.9 issue, then I'll have to fix it.


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