mherger wrote: 
> >
> Your claim was that it worked fine in 7.9 until I added full text 
> search. Could you please double-check with an old 7.9 build to confirm 
> this? A lot has change wrt. artist handling long before the fts.

I just did - tested with "Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 -
1412783275 @ Thu Oct 9 04:05:15 CUT 2014" - and it's "broken", too  -
same situation as with the most recent nightly. So, You're right, it
didn't come with FTS - it seems to exist "longer". 

Did some other testing too:
- Did a full rescan with the actual nightly - same mistake
- Made a "1:1" copy of the album where I DELETED the album artist and
rescanned with most recent nightly. The result is quite surprising:
Anything is fine, "Tina Werner" can be found via search function and is
listed in the artists list (only: the album is now listed under "various
artists" of course.

I just sent You the file by mail - although I don't
believe it's a problem with tagging.

The only thing I have in mind:
I'm working with cofigurable artist lists in settings and with the
option "Nur zur gewählten Rolle passende Alben und Titel anzeigen"?
Two things that point against this reason:
- This would maybe explain the missing in artists section - but it
should be found via search?



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