mherger wrote: 
> Are you sure you're running the latest buid?

Yes, I'm always running the last nightly (check it before every scan
I just today did a regression to 02.02. nightly to see if it shows
anoter behaviour - it didn't.

mherger wrote: 
> Keep in mind that one of the changes around case senstitivity require 
> the file the be created anew. Restoring an older file will indeed 
> re-introduce the problem.

Yapp, I'm aware, I tested with a backup made after the initial scan
(with Your database changes) 

mherger wrote: 
> Please double check scanned_files.url is case insensitive ("collate 
> nocase").

And once again Yes, I checked it, it is "text" "NOT NULL COLLATE

And Yes, I see, if You can't reproduce I have to do some more tests
maybe with a special test set (usually I do several changes everyday in
my huge db ;), but I only track those "name changes".
I will take the time to do nothing than those "name changes" and watch
the logfiles.

By the way:
What setting should I chose to see:
- every change, scanner has made (You know what I mean? If scanner sees
a file as "changed", I would like to see that and what files scanner
handled (I know, I can see it from the timestamp in the scanned_files
table, but it would be more comfortable and mabye it could give more
Right now I only have information in my logs like:
[22-02-07 09:20:30.2278] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (288) Get
changed tracks count
[22-02-07 09:20:35.2994] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::deleteTracks (519)
Removing deleted audio files (392)
[22-02-07 09:24:19.8598] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (301)
Scanning new audio files (2058)
[22-02-07 09:28:00.0710] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (381)
Rescanning changed audio files (882)
[22-02-07 09:29:38.9220] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (710)
Completed Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan Scan in 3114.360 seconds.
so this is not a big help ;-)

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