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Question: On what player types does the alarm fail for you?
- Squeezebox Radio (official firmware 7.x) 
- Squeezebox Radio (community firmware 8.x) 
- Squeezebox Touch (official firmware 7.x) 
- Squeezebox Touch (community firmware 8.x) 
- SB Classic/Boom/Receiver/Transporter 
- Other (eg. Raspberry Pi based)

KeBul wrote: 
> Checking back on your posts you say you introduced this method of
> unsubscribe in July 22 - what was the reason for that introduction? 

Mainly to cleanup - I believe if you subscribe to a message you should
unsubscribe when you no longer want to be informed. I -think- it was
missing before due to a simple oversight.

KeBul wrote: 
> What would be the potential impact of removing the unsubscribe (apart
> from maybe a fix for the alarm problem)?

Probably none, as Material has worked for years before this change.

KeBul wrote: 
> Michael doesn't seem to believe Material is to blame - however, I have
> tested several times without Material installed and not had any alarm
> failures, but there's a caveat to that - the only way I can "reliably"
> induce failures during testing is by playing around and changing between
> players in Material - with no Material installed I can't do that.
> Having said that, the testing I did with your MaterialSkin vTest, which
> had the unsubscribe removed, was quite extensive with lots of changing
> between players but no alarm failures were seen.

I don't 100% believe Material is wrong, just that its behavior triggers
this issue in LMS.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.
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