
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Damir Prebeg <damir_pre...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply William. I'm Blender user from 2005 and there's a lot 
> of things in that old UI that bothered me. But I think that making new 
> mistakes can't fix old problems. Here is some more explanations:
> 1st. issue: Select cube and click on that translate button. How far can you 
> move cube to the left side of 3D View? Same with Scale button, how much can 
> you scale up that object?

With continuous grab this works fine, but that is only implemented on
Mac/Linux at the moment. I think that those transform buttons could be
left out though because we have the transform manipulators enabled by

> 3rd. issue: I didn't finished my "complaint" about those scroll bars. Scaling 
> of them should be done with use of some modifier key (like CTRL) not just by 
> clicking and dragging of that gray dot. Why? In the Timeline click on the 
> right gray dot on the scroll bar and drag it to the left side until a whole 
> bar turns in to a circle. Now try to drag that same dot to the right.

This is just a matter of ensuring the a minimum size of the scrollbar,
no need to hide it behind a modifier key I think.

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