> Mobile Blending sounds amazing (I'm picking up an iPad for
> development soon, and would LOVE to use Blender on it).  My
> only concern there: Multitouch should, I think, be a required
> deliverable.

Blender on mobile devices would indeed be cool.  But with regards to
the iPad, my understanding is that Apple doesn't allow applications
with generic scripting languages on the iPhone/iPad/etc.  If they did,
it would be a back-door for developing arbitrary applications without
going through them (heaven forbid).  And since Blender 2.5 depends so
heavily on Python, I don't think it's actually (legally) possible to
put Blender on those devices.


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 9:26 PM, Charles Wardlaw
<cward...@marchentertainment.com> wrote:
> Nexyon, your proposals sound great. :)
> My personal vote (not that it matters) goes behind the generic nodes-- I 
> think that it'll benefit the most people and help the community overall the 
> most of everything there.
> Mobile Blending sounds amazing (I'm picking up an iPad for development soon, 
> and would LOVE to use Blender on it).  My only concern there: Multitouch 
> should, I think, be a required deliverable.
> Question for everyone on plugins: could a project like this that gave access 
> to RNA structures somehow be licensed under the LGPL instead of the GPL, so 
> that commercial plugins would become possible?
> ~ C
> On 2010-03-29, at 10:59 AM, neXyon wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I've had some ideas and quite liked some of the ideas other people told
>> me, so I've set up some drafts of proposals for GSoC 2010 of projects
>> that I'd really like to do.
>> They are 7 proposals all together. So far I've not detailed them very
>> much as I don't see much sense in working on a proposal that won't get
>> accepted/will get low priority.
>> I personally can't and won't rate those proposals. That's the job of the
>> mentors, so I'm asking you: How would you rate these proposals? And what
>> details would you like to have added?
>> http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:NeXyon/GSoC2010
>> Regards,
>> Jörg
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