Hi there!

So to the feedback I got:

* I've removed the iPad comment, didn't know about all those 
restrictions Apple puts on it... it was just an example, now clearly a 
stupid one :)

* After first setting multitouch mandatory as I've found a nice way to 
do multitouch with 2 mice on linux [1] I removed it completely during 
detailing the proposal as I found the only useful thing multitouch could 
really be used for is panning/rotating/zooming the view and that's not 
really worth the effert in my and others opinion.

* Something I want to make clear, because many say, that 3D audio would 
be best, as I'm into audio... Before starting to work on blender's audio 
system I had absolutely NO knowledge about audio and I still consider 
myself noob in that area, as I don't have much clue about FIRs and IIRs 
(yet). Still I've been able to get everything working for blender in the 
audio area so far! The conclusion is that I'd have to get myself 
comfortable with 3D audio just like I have to with all the other 
projects, as I have never done something 3D audio related either. I just 
think that I am able to do the other projects just like I've been able 
to do blender audio.

* I've worked a little on the tablet proposal and with the help a good 
friend of mine who is an awesome blender artist, I've been able to put 
up some nice mockups showing possible UI designs, just check it out [2].

* I know that the plugin proposal is very undetailed and a bit unclear. 
I'm still waiting for info about it from Campbell and Brecht who 
suggested me to do this.

* About the generic nodes proposal I have to say that, as I've stated in 
the proposal, this project might be a big too huge for a GSoC project 
and I could only do ground work. Also talking to other developers they 
agreed on this and stated that this should probably better be done by a 
core developer like Brecht or Martin.


[2] http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:NeXyon/GSoC2010#Tablet_blending
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