On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 5:41 PM, David Jeske <dav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Dan Eicher <d...@trollwerks.org> wrote:
> If an employee acts improperly and releases a binary which contains both
> and non-GPL code, the GPL says the source code must be released. There are
> no provisions for "withdrawing" the distribution. The moment it happens,
> the
> company is infringing the GPL and can face legal action.

eh, this is a bit extreme ;)
If an employee develops code in his/her working time, the copyright of the
code is the company's (so states my contract, and it's the case in all
companies I've worked for except SparkDE). If an employee gives away code
he/she doesn't have the copyright on... it's stealing! Just like selling the
computer you are given at work.
So there is no distribution, you just get your code back and no one is
allowed to use it since they haven't lawfully received it from the owner.
I'm no lawyer, but I've never seen this concern around...

Let's keep on the "can I distribute a proprietary extension" and " can I use
a proprietary module" tracks, and see if we can get those sorted, then we
see if further steps are needed :)
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