On 22/11/2010 2:59 AM, Martin Poirier wrote:
> "A pay dispute, a network hack, an intern wanting to get some cred online"

Yes, and this was all in the context of the *third party studio*. The pay 
dispute was between one studio (the developers) and the other (third party), 
not internal. The other issues were all within the third party studio. I 
apologise if this is not made clear enough. I was replying to a specific 
(quoted) email and thought context would help in that regard.

Remember, regardless of how the code is moved beyond of the *third party 
premises*, as long as it obeys the GPL, it is legal. There may be other 
consequences, but the GPL prevents any other restrictions being imposed on 
distributions, and as such is not a protection of distribution once legally 
outside the copyright holder's "legal bounds" (generally their company network).

It may be illegal (for example) for me to hack their network (& hence be 
arrested), but it is not illegal for me to distribute any GPL software I find 
there so long as they recieved it from elsewhere without changing it themselves 
(i.e. it was distributed to them as is).

I am not advocating such things, but it is something that previous employers of 
mine have dealt with and, as such, something that other corporations will 
consider before touching GPL code (as opposed to "using it as is").


Benjamin Tolputt
Analyst Programmer

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