On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Sergey Kurdakov <sergey.fo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> it is what ronih did not finish but intended to do - to sketch above
> mesh then to quad dominant remesh it.
> the approach he used - allows such features.

No, quad dominant remeshish is much more specialized and uses
algorithms wholly inappropriate for what this student is working on.
Quad dominant remeshing might eventually use surface strokes for
hinting the flow of the remeshing.  However what these tools need to
do is drastically simpler.

> the same goes for dual contouring - it might work not on whole mesh but
> will reconstruct surface on given border and given mesh.

Dual contouring is what nick bishop (not farsthary is working on, and
again completely irrelevant to the task at hand.

> the papers are long
> they end up with filling the reconstructed 3D with triangles - and
> there is need to have algo for that
> in addition to quad dominant remeshing tetgen goes here. Besides it
> gives additional angle to view the problem

The type of filling by these algorithms is totally inappropriate for
the task at hand.

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