Count me in agreeance too! I don't even bother to use fly mode. I find it 
nearly useless. 

Jonathan Williamson

On Apr 24, 2011, at 5:53 PM, Brandon Phoenix <> wrote:

> I'm not a dev, but I definitely agree with you Daniel. I find that view mode 
> rarely worthwhile. I think it may be useful to look at the way UDK does this 
> (being an FPS engine). UDK uses W and S to control movement on the Y plane, A 
> and D for the X plane, and SPACE and C for the Z. Mouse movement is used for 
> rotation, and the scroll wheel is used to change the speed of movement. I 
> would 
> recommend, for use in Blender to add Q and E to control roll. Working with 
> that 
> engine, I've found the movement scheme to be incredibly useful for navigating 
> large scenes. 
> UDK is available here:
> Hope that helps make a decision.
> Brandon Phoenix
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 15:55:46 -0600
> From: "Daniel Salazar -" <>
> Subject: [Bf-committers] Camera view navigation rant
> To: bf-blender developers <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> So can we take a look at camera view navigation? It's like playing a
> space flight simulator every time I press Shift F, I just want to
> position and orient my camera, not to deal with inertia and atmosphere
> entering angle! (feels like that at least)
> The flight mode panning (WASD keys) is of no use.. again calculating
> directions and inercia and keeping in mind how many presses I've done
> for each side so I can try and counter act when I want a stop! (which
> never works btw, the counter act seems to never be able to reach zero
> again) this could be a test for new NASA astronauts.
> Trackball is a "decent" tool for orienting the camera but it is about
> 10 times too sensitive, and somehow seems like it's going the wrong
> direction (inverted axis?)
> I have asked for simple game like controls in the past, you know those
> first person shooter controls? those are intuitive and precise but the
> answer was something like "naah fly simulator is cooler, we can fly
> like birds!", really that was an actual answer, supposedly for live
> recording the camera to keyframes.
> Also a lock camera to view option would be great so we can just move
> the camera like we move any other viewport
> am I the only one that doesn't get this?
> peace,
> Daniel Salazar
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