>> In which case, which ubuntu? I'm on 10.04 at home, and 11.04 at work;
>> there's spacenavd 0.3 at home and spacenavd 0.5 at home. What are you
>> running?

I started this project with the latest versions: spacenavd 0.5 and
libspnav 0.2.2 on Ubuntu 11.04.

Lightning storm took out my Linux box's power supply last week, so
today I'm commandeering a nicer Ubuntu 10.04 machine from the lab for
32-bit build and testing. I'll keep an eye out for any issues with the
earlier (daemon + library) pair. Also need to see if the latest
libspnav plays nice with the older daemon.

I also use a MacBook for 64-bit goodness (Ubuntu 11.04 & Snow
Leopard), and the always faithful PowerBook G4.

Mike Erwin
musician, naturalist, pixel pusher, hacker extraordinaire
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