The layer is called UV Texture Layer because it contains both UV
coordinates and an image texture for each face (and some other texture
face properties before the changes in 2.60). Modifiers and other
places that use these usually have properties called UV Layer, because
they only use the UV coordinates part.

So there is a reason for the naming, though it may not be that clear
and not always applied consistently...


On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Jass <> wrote:
> Hi.
> I located following terms in Blender and Blender documentation:
> UV-Texture
> UV-Map
> UV Layer
> UV Texture Layer
> And it looks a bit like the terms sometimes get mixed up.
> I scrolled over different areas in the Blender-GUI and i found:
> in Image editor:
> - Export UV Layout
> In Object properties (texture section)
> - Mapping -> UV
> In Object Properties (Object Data Section)
> - UV Texture
> - UVTex (default name of new UV texture)
> - "Add UV Texture Layer" (in tooltip)
> In Modifer (UV Project Modifier)
> - UV Layer
> - UV Layer name (tooltip)
> ====
> After trying to identify the differences between the above mentioned terms
> I derived the following definition for these terms. Please can you tell me
> if this is correct, or clarify where i am wrong ?
> UV Map: Map which relates the faces of a mesh to areas on a
> 2-dimensional image.**
> UV Texture Layer: Synonym for UV Map
> UV Layer: shortform of "UV Texture Layer"
> UV Texture: A texture which needs a UV Map to be projected on the
> surface of an Object
> ====
> If the first 3 terms are indeed synonyms, then i propose to replace them
> by one single term.
> I think "UV Map" would be the one to use and then we have only:
> UV Map      ( a map between faces on an object and corresponding
> locations on a 2D image)
> UV Texture  (an image that uses a UV Map)
> what do you think about this ? If i am right then
> this change would make it much easier to understand UV texturing with
> Blender and it
> would become much easier to explain it...
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