I agree with you 100%. I recently made a short film with roughly 80 
shots, 5-10 renderlayers per shot, 3-5 passes per renderlayer.
All these image/pass/renderlayer sequences had to be saved via 
FileOutput node.
Imagine setting up (changing filepaths) in over 1000 Fileoutput Nodes 
;-) I hear you!

Yes, it is possible to save to MultiExr, but everyone knows multilayexr 
and AE (proExr plugin or similar) is a tedious workflow.

I would be happy to just have variables for the pathname. eg.

The passname and renderlayername could be (i suspect, i'm not a coder) 
easily extracted from examining the connection of the fileoutput socket. 
szeneName/shotName would be Blender Scene Name, path could be realtive, 
or a constant somewhere, frame_number is obvious.
Though, what if i would want to do some node calculations before saving 
the pass? eg. z-buffer range adjusting, vector map color adjustments and 
so on. There would have to be a way to trace back through the nodes, 
until the renderlayer it originated from is found, so the passname is known.

I was hacking around with python, trying to figure this out, but did not 
get too far.
Maybe I'll give it another shot.


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