about a year ago I wanted to start a discussion about the UI of blender, also 
making some proposals.
While the UI recode project brought some really nice changes, I was very 
surprised that the project somehow stopped somewhere in the middle. In between 
work has been done on issues like antialiasing and some minor details in the 
ui, while the big issues are largely ignored. So I would like to ask what are 
the reasons. Was there no more time or will to finish the UI project? 
Sincerely, I consider blender UI very cluttered and not much more effective on 
the user side. Of course, code - wise the changes are beautifull, allowing so 
much easier integration of scripts and a lot more.
Issues I am talking about are mainly - 
no tabs, endless scrolling and inconsistent height of ui thanks to the folding 
of various panels and even changing the order of the panels(with tablet very 
easily accidental).
last operator area and tool area conflicting - neither one has reasonable 
space, looks like a bad joke and forces you go fullscreen and back all the time.
lots of stuff in the  n-key areas, which basically replace and duplicate 
property window functionality.
right-click menus and preset system are other of the todos of the project I 

. Of course I appreciate the work of the coders and I see the constant 
improvement also in the UI area, just would like to start at least a little 
discussion about this.
Vilem Novak

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