
big +1 from me.

On 18 January 2012 12:33, Vilem Novak <pildano...@post.cz> wrote:
> no tabs,

+1, IMO the paradigm used for contexts should be used also in panels,
adding a new row of tab icons to avoid scrolling

> endless scrolling

big +1

> and inconsistent height of ui thanks to the folding of various panels and 
> even changing the order of the panels(with tablet very easily accidental).


re: adaptive ui panels diomensions, it's very annoying how the ui
shrinks removing pieces of labels text, it makes no sense to me

> last operator area and tool area conflicting


>  forces you go fullscreen and back all the time.

on a small monitor, definitely agree

This is one of those things that makes me a bit "angry" when new cool
features are added in. It makes no sense to me to have a new fantastic
modifier and leep basic problems unsolved.

An example being the outliner not being consistent: clicking on a mesh
icon brings you in edit more, or clicking on a constraint takes you to
the constraints context, but then clicking on a material icon doesn't,
Another example is when you rename objects and their constraints
update the referenced object, but in some other relationships cases,
renaming objects brakes the relationship, and so on.
Or, you can do actions on hidden but selectable objects, and suddenly
you find objects in weird places.
I know you are supposed to know what you are doing but often you're
tired, or objects are spanned in too many layer to recall them all, so
a good UI should help you.

After all Blender is the machine, I'm the human!

UI and workflow are much more important things than new features,
because you use them everyday over and over.
It would be fantastic to see a project only focused on fixing
annoyances/inconsistencies and on improving efficiency.

And btw, I miss the OOPS :/

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