Agreed, Campbell.  Principle 8 really ought to be:

"There is no such thing as a perfect keymap.  We _will_ be making
compromises, and not everyone is going to be perfectly happy."


On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 2:48 AM, Campbell Barton <> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Przemyslaw Golab <> wrote:
>> == Principle 8 ==
>> Key-map everything. There are many operators that don't have any key-map.
>> Users have to manually create key-slot for it and configure it and it is
>> not so easy and takes some time.
>> Users should have some key-map for everything so they could just easily
>> edit it if needed.
> Don't agree here, sometimes there are conflicts with mixed modes -
> some tools are fairly obscure -
> all we can do is our best to make good choices, but map everything is
> a bit unrealistic - unless you accept many strange keymaps with
> ctrl+alt+shift+fkeys... but dont think this helps with user
> satisfaction/efficiency.
> With any generic keymap there will always bee some specific use case
> where someone wants to map some obscure tool to a key that doesn't
> make sense for general usage, a new keymap can't solve that IMHO.
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