Good day,
                I am interested in implementing a pyramid primitive in
blender. Wikipedia reveals that:

".... in 3D applications basic geometric shapes and forms are
considered to be primitives rather than the above list. Such shapes
and forms include:
    - spheres
    - cubes or boxes
    - toroids
    - cylinders
    - pyramids
These are considered to be primitives in 3D modelling because they are
the building blocks for many other shapes and forms."

Actually, all these primitives exist in Blender 2.69 EXCEPT the
PYRAMID. I would like to impement that. I need a mentor in that area,
possibly the person who owns the module that implements those

I have a BSc in Physics with CS minor. I am doing a course in software
dev. I am in Buea, Cameroon. Successfully compiled Blender 2.69.
                                                            Brian T.
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