Hello everybody,

after a number of people here on this list helped me to get started  
with BibDesk a couple of months ago, I have been using it ever since,  
and I am more than happy with it. As I think it is possible that  
software developers more often hear complaints from users about the  
things that don't work, let me take the occasion again to say thank  
you. The way Bibdesk works and feels like is really how bibliography  
management should be!

There is one thing that would make my life much easier though, and  
this is import of SciFinder searches. I have asked for this on this  
list before but I had not had the time myself to follow up on it. I  
would, once again, like to bring it to your attention because  
SciFinder (searching the Chemical Abstracts Database) is one of the  
most important search tools in Chemistry. I currently use Endnote to  
import SciFinder searches and export BibTeX for use in Bibdesk, so a  
direct import to Bibdesk would really be helpful.

I have attached a typical SciFinder result for a journal article at  
the end of this email. Every result starts with START_RECORD and end  
with END_RECORD. As far as I can see, the FIELD keys are always the  
same, in the same order, separated with returns. I don't really know  
(yet) what results of other types of publications (e.g., book  
chapters or patents) look like. I can have a look at it if desired  
but, as a start, I would be very happy with a rudimentary import of  
the relevant fields of only journal articles (which account for 99%  
of the chemical literature anyways).

I can provide you with more information as needed.

If there is nothing that you can (or want to) do about it, that is  
also fine. Otherwise, thank you very much for your efforts.

Best regards

Dr. Holger Frauenrath
ETH Zurich
Department of Materials
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10, HCI H515
CH-8093 Zurich

Phone: (+41) 44 633 6474
Fax:   (+41) 44 633 1390
Web:   http://www.polychem.mat.ethz.ch/frauenrath/


FIELD Copyright:Copyright (C) 2006 ACS on SciFinder (R))
FIELD Title:Alternating Diacetylene Copolymer Utilizing  
Perfluorophenyl-Phenyl Interactions.
FIELD Accession Number:AN 2006:302926
FIELD Abstract:The sym. diacetylenes, 2,4-hexadiynylene dibenzoate 4  
and 2,4-hexadiynylene bis(pentafluorobenzoate) 5, as well as the  
unsym. 6-(pentafluorobenzoyloxy)hexa-2,4-diynyl benzoate 6 were  
prepd. and investigated with respect to their reactivity toward  
topochem. polymn. in the cryst. state.  The 1:1 cocrystal 4.5 was  
successfully polymd. to the corresponding poly(diacetylene) copolymer  
7, as evidenced by solid-state 13C NMR and Raman spectroscopy, as  
well as single-crystal structure anal. of the monomer-polymer  
cocrystal.  Thus, perfluorophenyl-Ph interactions were utilized as  
complementary supramol. synthons in the cocrystn. of two different  
diacetylene monomers and their unprecedented conversion into a  
strictly alternating diacetylene copolymer. [on SciFinder (R)]
FIELD Author:Xu, Rui; Gramlich, Volker; Frauenrath, Holger.
FIELD Chemical Abstracts Number(CAN):CAN 144:489005
FIELD Section Code:35-4
FIELD Section Title:Chemistry of Synthetic High Polymers
FIELD CA Section Cross-references:25, 75
FIELD Corporate Source:Department of Materials,Eidgenoessische  
Technische Hochschule Zuerich,Zurich,Switz.
FIELD Document Type:Journal
FIELD Internat.Standard Doc. Number:0002-7863
FIELD Journal Title:Journal of the American Chemical Society
FIELD Language:written in English.
FIELD Volume:128
FIELD Issue:16
FIELD Page:5541-5547
FIELD Publication Year:2006
FIELD Publication Date:
FIELD Index Terms:Polymerization    (alternating, solid-state; prepn.  
and crystal structure of diacetylenes and of alternating diacetylene  
copolymer utilizing perfluorophenyl-Ph interactions);  
Polydiacetylenes Role: PRP (Properties), SPN (Synthetic preparation),  
PREP (Preparation)    (fluorine-contg.; prepn. and crystal structure  
of diacetylenes and of alternating diacetylene copolymer utilizing  
perfluorophenyl-Ph interactions); Fluoropolymers Role: PRP  
(Properties), SPN (Synthetic preparation), PREP (Preparation)     
(polydiacetylene-; prepn. and crystal structure of diacetylenes and  
of alternating diacetylene copolymer utilizing perfluorophenyl-Ph  
interactions); Crystal structure    (prepn. and crystal structure of  
diacetylenes and of alternating diacetylene copolymer utilizing  
perfluorophenyl-Ph interactions)
FIELD Index Terms(2):
FIELD CAS Registry Numbers:1725-82-2P (3-Iodoprop-2-yn-1-ol);  
145383-93-3P; 769167-34-2P; 887650-10-4P; 887650-11-5P Role: RCT  
(Reactant), SPN (Synthetic preparation), PREP (Preparation), RACT  
(Reactant or reagent)    (intermediate in diacetylene prepn.; prepn.  
and crystal structure of diacetylenes and of alternating diacetylene  
copolymer utilizing perfluorophenyl-Ph interactions); 887650-07-9P;  
887650-08-0P Role: PRP (Properties), RCT (Reactant), SPN (Synthetic  
preparation), PREP (Preparation), RACT (Reactant or reagent)     
(monomer; prepn. and crystal structure of diacetylenes and of  
alternating diacetylene copolymer utilizing perfluorophenyl-Ph  
interactions); 887650-09-1P; 887650-12-6P Role: PRP (Properties), SPN  
(Synthetic preparation), PREP (Preparation)    (prepn. and crystal  
structure of diacetylenes and of alternating diacetylene copolymer  
utilizing perfluorophenyl-Ph interactions); 107-19-7 (Propargyl  
alcohol); 13154-24-0 (Triisopropylsilyl chloride) Role: RCT  
(Reactant), RACT (Reactant or reagent)    (reactant in diacetylene  
prepn.; prepn. and crystal structure of diacetylenes and of  
alternating diacetylene copolymer utilizing perfluorophenyl-Ph  
interactions); 98-88-4 (Benzoyl chloride); 2251-50-5  
(Pentafluorobenzoyl chloride); 3031-68-3 (2,4-Hexadiyne-1,6-diol)  
Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or reagent)    (reactant in  
monomer prepn.; prepn. and crystal structure of diacetylenes and of  
alternating diacetylene copolymer utilizing perfluorophenyl-Ph  
FIELD Supplementary Terms:alternating diacetylene copolymer prepn  
structure; diacetylene monomer prepn crystal structure
FIELD PCT Designated States:
FIELD PCT Reg. Des. States:
FIELD Reg.Pat.Tr.Des.States:
FIELD Secondary IPC:
FIELD Additional IPC:
FIELD Inventor Name:
FIELD National Patent Classification:
FIELD Patent Application Country:
FIELD Patent Application Date:
FIELD Patent Application Number:
FIELD Patent Assignee:
FIELD Patent Country:
FIELD Patent Kind Code:
FIELD Patent Number:
FIELD Priority Application Country:
FIELD Priority Application Number:
FIELD Priority Application Date:
FIELD Citations:1) Wegner, G; Z Naturforsch, B 1969, 24, 824|2a)  
Wegner, G; Makromol Chem 1971, 145, 85|2b) Enkelmann, V; Makromol  
Chem 1979, 180, 1787|3) Wegner, G; Makromol Chem 1972, 154, 35|4)  
Enkelmann, V; Angew Chem, Int Ed Engl 1977, 16, 416|5a) Enkelmann, V;  
Adv Polym Sci 1984, 63, 91|5b) Baughman, R; J Polym Sci, Part D:  
Macromol Rev 1978, 13, 219|6) Baughman, R; J Polym Sci, Polym Phys Ed  
1974, 12, 1511|7) Kobelt, D; Acta Crystallogr, Sect B: Struct  
Crystallogr Cryst Chem 1974, 30, 232|8a) Haedicke, E; Angew Chem, Int  
Ed Engl 1971, 10, 266|8b) Enkelmann, V; Acta Crystallogr, Sect B:  
Struct Crystallogr Cryst Chem 1977, B33, 2842|9a) Kane, J; J Am Chem  
Soc 1995, 117, 12003|9b) Xiao, J; Angew Chem, Int Ed 2000, 39, 2132| 
9c) Goroff, N; Org Lett 2005, 7, 1891|10) Meyer, E; Angew Chem, Int  
Ed 2003, 42, 1210|11) Coates, G; Angew Chem, Int Ed Engl 1997, 36,  
248|13) Hanson, A; Acta Crystallogr, Sect B: Struct Crystallogr Cryst  
Chem 1975, B31, 831|19) Sarkar, A; J Chem Soc, Perkin Trans 1 1998,  
4141|21) Anon; http://www.oxford-diffraction.com/crysalis.htm|22)  
Sheldrick, G; SHELXS/L-97, Program for the Solution/Refinement of  
Crystal Structures 1997

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