Hi Adam,

> Thanks, that's nice to hear!  It's also a good way to preface a
> feature request :).

Shit! How did you notice? ;-)

> This looks like it would be really easy to parse.  Christiaan, post if
> you start working on it; otherwise I'll take a look at it later
> today.  No point in duplicating effort.

I will probably only be able to take a look at it tomorrow, so maybe  
you want to wait until then.

> Holger, if you can find a specification of types and field
> descriptions (e.g. does Accession Number map to anything in BibTeX?),
> that would be helpful.  Also, are there any fields that can generally
> be ignored?

Well, I would assign the keys that seem useful to BibTeX fields  
according to my personal choice, if that is okay for now.

> In fact, adding to this file
> https://bibdesk.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/bibdesk/trunk/bibdesk/ 
> TypeInfo.plist

So, if I understand this correctly: the entries would have to be of  
the form

     BibTeXFieldNamesForSciFinderTags = {
         "FIELD Abstract:" = Abstract;

or would one leave away FIELD or : or both?

I can do the other assignments tomorrow morning.


Dr. Holger Frauenrath
ETH Zurich
Department of Materials
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10, HCI H515
CH-8093 Zurich

Phone: (+41) 44 633 6474
Fax:   (+41) 44 633 1390
Web:   http://www.polychem.mat.ethz.ch/frauenrath/

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