In a followup to the recent discussion about auto-file I found myself  
in the position of wanting to share my bib file with a collaborator.  
In my bib file every link is stored using a full path like
   Local-Url = {file://localhost/Users/kdh/Work/papers/...
I now want to email a tarball with everything, but the full path is  
bothering me. He (and I) will be ok with using relative paths  
(everything relative to the bib file), but when I change this in my  
preferences and then choose "Consolidate linked file", the actual  
entry in the bib file does not change.

How should I handle that - both for now and in the future - I could  
do a search and replace on the bib file but I am unsure as to what  
the entry should be, as I really would like him to just untar  
everything. So something like
   Local-Url = {file://~/Work/papers/...
does not necessarily cover it, as it assumes the directory structure  
stays the same.

Perhaps my problem is that I am experimenting with old entries?


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