On 2008-02-19, at 2:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Would it reduce the confusion to just save as UTF-8 by default?  As  
>> long
>> as TeX conversion is enabled, that should (usually) be fine for TeX
>> users who work with ASCII exclusively.  I save my files as UTF-8  
>> just to
>> avoid this problem, since the odd characters are almost exclusively  
>> in
>> abstracts which never get printed in TeX anyway.
>> --
>> adam
> If UTF-8 transparently deals with gremlins and plain text but Western
> ASCII does not, it would seem to make sense to have UTF-8 the default
> format as you suggest.
> The other related issue is that after I do convert my file to UTF-8,  
> I get
> an annoying little message whenever I start BibDesk that says,
> "The document will be opened with encoding Western (ASCII), but it was
> previously saved with encoding Unicode (UTF-8). You should cancel  
> opening
> and then reopen with the correct encoding."

If you go to Preferences->Files, you can change the "Open and export  
BibTeX files using encoding" to Unicode. That should stop the messages.

> I can see specifying a file format when I save (as), but why do I  
> need to
> specify one when I open the document?

Because BibTeX files that are generated by other applications or by  
hand or from the web don't have the encoding string saved at the top  
of the file that BibDesk puts in when you save a file. Hence, it has a  
default for those files that it can't tell what encoding scheme it was  
saved in. Which then makes BibDesk upset when you open a file that it  
*knows* is something else (e.g., UTF-8), but you've told it to open it  
as, say, Western ASCII.


> I see that there's a conversion option when pasting and exporting  
> text...
> What I'm suggesting would simply add that functionality to importing.
> Thanks!
> -c
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