In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Holger Frauenrath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Feb 21, 2008, at 2:14 PM, Christiaan Hofman wrote:
> > Also look at ~/Library/Logs > CrashReporter > BibDesk.crash.log.
> >
> > Christiaan
> Hi Christian,
> this log does not exist on my machine.
> console.log does not show any items from last night; system.log does  
> not show anything peculiar.

Do you have a panic log at /Library/Logs?  It's more likely that BibDesk 
or some other app is tickling an OS bug, since an application bug should 
at worst crash that app, not hang the system.

Another thing to try: next time this happens, see if you can ssh into 
your machine, and run 

ps auxwww > ps.txt
top -l 20 > ps.txt

and then sample any hanging processes (top -u will show the CPU hog, if 
any).  Be sure to copy the samples somewhere safe, since /tmp gets nuked 
on reboot.


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