On Apr 20, 2008, at 3:32 AM, Christiaan Hofman wrote:

> On 20 Apr 2008, at 11:51 AM, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 11:46 AM, Christiaan Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> wrote:
>>> On 20 Apr 2008, at 11:36 AM, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 20 Apr 2008 11:25:37 +0200
>>>> Christiaan Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> On 20 Apr 2008, at 9:15 AM, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 9:14 AM, Niels Kobschaetzki
>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 8:59 AM, Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> Somewhere I saw a video where after a cite command and some
>>>>>>>> initial
>>>>>>>> characters ( \cite{con}) a BibDesk search is invoked to make  
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>> selection for publication.
>>>>>>>> How is this BibDesk-Search and Completion used within TextMate?
>>>>>>> You have to start writing the cite-key (at least one letter) and
>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>> push escape until the wished cite-key appears. The other method
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> pushing opt+esc (alt+esc) and you get a nice menu with the cite-
>>>>>>> keys
>>>>>>> and titles. This functions even w/out typing any character but
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> menu will be narrowed down if there is already the beginning of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> cite-key typed.
>>>>>> correction: it isn't narrowed down with the second option for
>>>>>> choosing
>>>>>> your cite-key
>>>>>> Niels
>>>>> Unless you are running 10.5, because (most) input managers are not
>>>>> supported anymore.
>>>> Well, I'm on 10.5.2 and it works fine
>>> Then you must have manually installed the input manager. Unless
>>> TextMate now includes this natively?
>> Which Input Manager? I installed "Edit in TextMate" manually but
>> nothing else - it seems that the esc+opt-command only uses  
>> applescript
>> and a little bit perl to do it's stuff (don't know right now where  
>> the
>> esc-autocompletion-stuff is located)
>> Niels
> So then, if it works, it's included in TextMate. That's what I mean.
> This didn't used to work out of the box without the BibDesk
> inputmanager, which only works on Tiger (unless you force it to).

TextMate doesn't use NSTextView, so the input manager never worked  
with it.  This actually kept me from using TextMate for LaTeX for a  
long time.  TextMate comes with an interface for inserting keys via  
BibDesk, but it's ugly (IMNSHO), and I don't think it's recommended  

Currently, TextMate parses your BibTeX file using regular expressions  
and builds a list of completion on its own; this works pretty well,  
but has some limitations due to the BibTeX grammar (e.g. it can hang  
on parsing valid BibTeX).

I prefer using BibDesk's search heuristics for completion, and BibDesk  
also has a much better parser.  As a consequence, I put together  
a .tmCommand that asks BibDesk to complete your cite keys, and it's  
linked from the wiki


Use whichever suits your needs.  Mine does require BibDesk to be  
running, which bothers some people for reasons that aren't clear to me.


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