On Apr 21, 2008, at 9:08 AM, Christopher Eliot wrote:

>> As a consequence, I put together a .tmCommand that asks BibDesk to  
>> complete your cite keys, and it's linked from the wiki
>> http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Other_Applications
> Would someone generous -- it doesn't have to be Adam -- be willing  
> to write up slightly more hand-holding instructions for installing  
> his BibDeskTMCompletions? I could even then post them to the wiki,  
> perhaps.
> a. I extracted the .zip file into /Users/[myname]/Library/ 
> Application Support/TextMate/Completions/
> b. I double-clicked on the BibDeskTMCompletions Unix executable  
> file. I authorized it to run.
> c. A command showed up in my TextMate bundle list called untitled,  
> with the readme.txt as its contents, and I renamed it  
> BibDeskTMCompletions
> d. As a test, I typed  \cite{t option-escape  in one of my documents  
> and a series of error messages were inserted. Not sure what to try  
> next.

1) download http://homepage.mac.com/amaxwell/.Public/Completion.zip

2) unzip to a temporary location

3) double-click each of the .tmCommand files

4) copy the UNIX binary BibDeskTMCompletions to a convenient location,  
such as ~/bin

5) edit the commands in TextMate to point to the location in 4), which  
is the point of this comment from the README file:

After installing the .tmCommands, you'll need to modify them in the  
bundle editor to set an appropriate path to the BibDeskTMCompletions  
program.  For example, if you install it in /Users/me/bin, change  
"$HOME/BuildProducts/Release" to $HOME/bin as follows:

CMD = '"$HOME"/BuildProducts/Release/BibDeskTMCompletions ....
CMD = '"$HOME"/bin/BibDeskTMCompletions ....

Let me know if you need more info.  Adding this to the wiki (or the  
README) would be a good idea also; if you can turn this into some user- 
friendly instructions, that would be great!


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