On Mar 9, 2011, at 15:58 , Adam M. Goldstein wrote:

> Hello all
> I have been swamped and have had to put off the release still further. Now 
> that school, etc., have calmed down, I would like to do this release this 
> weekend. People have not been reporting problems with the localizations or 
> anything else, but if there is anything we should be aware of before the 
> release, please do speak up.

I've been using the 3/8 nightly build on a daily basis.  No problems to report, 
although every time I launch a new version for the first time, I get this in 
the kernel log:

/var/log/kernel.log:Mar  9 16:59:30 zippo kernel[0]: CoreServicesUIAg[48223] 
Unable to clear quarantine `BibDeskHelp': 93

Not sure why it's there, or what good it does.


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