On Mar 14, 2011, at 4:28, Justin C. Walker wrote:

> On Mar 13, 2011, at 19:23 , Adam M. Goldstein wrote:
>> On Mar 13, 2011, at 6:26 PM, Justin C. Walker wrote:
>>> I've been using the 3/8 nightly build on a daily basis.  No problems to 
>>> report, although every time I launch a new version for the first time, I 
>>> get this in the kernel log:
>>> /var/log/kernel.log:Mar  9 16:59:30 zippo kernel[0]: 
>>> CoreServicesUIAg[48223] Unable to clear quarantine `BibDeskHelp': 93
>> I just compiled the most recent source, and I don't see anything to be 
>> concerned about in the console or anywhere else, so I am going to go ahead 
>> and do the release. I guess that will give people something to be happy 
>> about on Monday morning. :)
> Nah.  Better to complain.  Then you feel like you're really accomplishing 
> something.
> FWIW, quitting the above version just now, I see this in the system log:
> Mar 13 20:15:30 zippo BibDesk[478]: Application will quit without finishing 
> writing metadata cache.
> Mar 13 20:15:30: --- last message repeated 499 times ---
> Mar 13 20:15:30 zippo BibDesk[478]: *** process 478 exceeded 500 log message 
> per second limit  -  remaining messages this second discarded ***
> Then I installed and launched the latest (3/13) nightly.  No kernel complaint 
> this time, but there was this in the system log:
> Mar 13 20:22:31 zippo BibDesk[23704]: *** error *** -[BDSKLinkedFile 
> initWithURLString:] failed (Bdsk-Url-1 of BMSCong)
> These shouldn't inhibit a new release, but I wonder what good these messages 
> serve.  There doesn't seem to be much of substance in them (are they useful 
> in tracking problems?), so why litter the system log with them?
> J

They are good to figure out where problems might occur. The latter one 
indicates that you have an invalid linked URL in an item with cite key BMSCong. 
You might want to check that. 

The earlier messages warned that the metadata that's used for spotlight was not 
fully written, so Spotlight may not find all your items. We should not write 
that many logs for it though, one should be sufficient.

Both are probably problems for your configuration/data, not problems in BibDesk 


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