On 10.08.2011, at 14:01, Sebastian wrote:

> Thanks for the explanation, Simon.
> With looking up some of the terms, I think (!) I roughly understood it. :)
> But my bibliography still does not quite work:
> The «The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2ε» which I had looked at
> earlier, simply recommends BibTex without much explanation on
> Bibliographies.
> I have downloaded all the stuff recommended by Kirk
> (http://bibdesk-users.661331.n2.nabble.com/Finding-for-customising-styles-td6655650.html).
> and written 
> "\usepackage{biblatex}%Dies ist f¸r die Bibliothek
> \usepackage{csquotes}%für biblatex" 
> in my preamble
> and
> "\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliographie}%
> \bibliography{standard}
> \bibliographystyle{footnote-dw}"
> at the end of my document.

That's not the way you choose styles in biblatex. The correct way is:


> I have draged and droped one item of my BibDesk Library into my document,
> which looks like this:
> "\cite{Lange:1972gx}"
> When I try to compile, I get the following error:
> "Package biblatex error: file xxxxx.bbl not created by biblatex"
> (by the way: how can I copy and paste parts from the yellow error box?)

This error means that you haven't loaded biblatex properly. As I wrote in my 
previous mail: The .bbl file is where the information pulled from the .bib file 
is stored before it is processed by LaTeX. So this error means that a .bbl file 
is created but not by biblatex. I suspect that you currently somehow mangle old 
fashioned bibtex with biblatex.
> I have also read about a third of the extensive pdf documention for biblatex
> now, but this does not help me much. All the information about "entry types"
> and "entry fields" assumes that I can enter information like authors and
> titles in some fields of a visible program (like EndNote or BibDesk).
> Where is this surface/program/set of entry fields for biblatex?????

BibDesk (or any other GUI for .bib files) comes with a set of predefined 
document and entry types. With traditional bibtex these are quite limited, 
biblatex expands the available document and field types considerably. But since 
the individual needs differe and no one needs all of biblatex's fields, it 
wouldn't make sense if BibDesk come preconfigured for all biblatex field and 
entry types. But you can easily add them. You can either add fields on a per 
entry base; just use the + button in the lower left corner or the 
"Publication/Add Field…" in the menu. Or you can permanently add/change fields 
in the prefs ("Data Preferences/Fields"). You can either globally add fields 
for all entries ("Custom BibTeX fields") or you can add/remove specific 
document types and fields ("Advanced/Custom BibTeX Types and Fields"). It takes 
a bit of time and experimenting to see which types and fields you actually 
need, since this highly depends on the field you're working in (for example, I 
never use patent, periodical, proceedings or report, but I very often need 
fields like bookauthor, translator, origdate, origlanguage and origtitle).


Simon Spiegel
Steinhaldenstr. 50
8002 Zürich

Telephon: ++41 44 451 5334
Mobophon: ++41 76 459 6039


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