Christiaan Hofman wrote:

>> 2. Subsidiary question: while at it, would it be possible for me to 
>> switch from having, *written in the .bib file* a Local-Url like
>> file://localhost/Volumes/Home/FZ/Documents/Archive/<etc>,   (**)
>> to something more portable
> The local URL fields accept all kinds of values, file URLs, absolute paths, 
> relative paths from the database, and tilde-abbreviated. To convert you could 
> use a (apple)script or the Database Find and Replace feature. 

Thank you! This solves my problem #2. I hadn't realized that I should 
simply edit the field to something other than what BibDesk writes on 
autofile. That was instant to do with find & replace in a text editor.

I still had to use a more pedestrian process to URL-decode all spaces 
and diacritics (ah Pavel Šťovíček...), and guess I'll have to keep doing 
so from now on. While that would make "Local-URL" a misnomer, it would 
seem more logical if BibDesk simply didn't URL-encode at all, when what 
I write in AutoFile Preferences (viz., ~/Documents/Math/Archive) doesn't 
look like the beginning of an URL...

>> 1. Main question: is there a simple edit I could make to turn off the 
>> aliases and stay with the old "Local-Url" method of filing? (I'm willing 
>> to compile Bibdesk if necessary.)
> Default Fields Preferences, uncheck automatic conversion.
> However you wont be able to use several features, such as auto filing and 
> dropping files, except from applescript. 

That's a bummer, because filing by dropping is (for me) BibDesk's #1 
nicest feature -- and, my experience with applescript is nil.

Are you saying that the entire functionality *can* be restored via 
applescript? If so, I'll try to learn how. If not, would you say that 
I'm better off just staying with 1.3.12 indefinitely?

Thanks again,

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