Michael D. Barrett wrote:
> Re:
>>  Manners aside, it's just
>>not a good idea to pick a fight with a cop who has a gun,
> Huh? What does that have to do with the price of rice in Shanghai?
I mentioned cops because Robin's posting mentioned cops.  There have been
some high-profile cases of police attacks on Critical Massers in New York
and other places.
>>  or a driver who
> outweighs you by an order or magnitude.
> Allowing bullies to be bullies invites only more bullying. History is
> replete with examples that illustrate just how bad an idea it is to
> cower before bullies.

If you can find a way to prevent bullies from being bullies, that's fine
with me.  If giving the finger to an *sshole in an Escalade makes you feel
better, I suppose it's good for your blood pressure, but it won't prevent
him from being a bully at the next opportunity?  Do you really think
confronting him causes him to go home, meditate on his past evil behavior,
and resolve to be a better person in the future?  Really?

But that's not what I was posting about.  Be nasty to nasty people if you
want, but *don't pick fights*  When Critical Mass run red lights and block
ordinary, non-aggressive, relatively law-abiding riders, by keeping them
from going where they want to go, they're picking fights with people who
are not bullies or *ssholes.

The standard line, of course, is that these people are participating in
evil by driving cars and destroying the earth -- and that's true in
general, theoretical sense.  But you wont get them to change their
behavior -- at least not for the better -- by unprovoked nastiness.

That's why I think RideCivil -- a ride that celebrates bicycling without
trying to punish people in cars -- might be a good idea.

( P.S. I'm going to be away from the Internet for about ten days, so
responses to this posting (if anyone cares to respond) won't get answered
for quite away.  I won't be ignoring them, but I won't be seeing them
> Robin's graphic was much more civilized and well-mannered than any
> driver who uses their vehicle as a weapon. And it is far & away more
> civilized than the self-appointed 'civil' people who would rather see
> us cower.
> Cowering is not an act of civilization. It undermines it.
> -Mike
> We now return you to your regularly programmed cowering.
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