Beginning in January, I will be distributing Momentum Magazine 
( here in Madison. Momentum is a Vancouver-based 
bike culture magazine with an emphasis towards commuters and an eye for art and 
fashion in the bicycling world.

The January issue is Momentum's annual LOVE issue and the editor is looking for 
any bike-related love stories. If you've got one and you're interested in 
sharing it, please contact with a brief synopsis and your info will likely be 
forwarded on to the editor. If your story is selected we may need to meet up so 
I can snap a photo or two for use in the magazine.

Momentum Magazine is a FREE publication and I receive no money for any work 
associated with them. Otherwise, you know, this would fall under solicitation 
which, if I'm not mistaken, I recently categorized as being the only type of 
bike-related email I would object to on this list. And I never contradict 
myself. Ever.


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