Hi, all.

Binc IMAP 1.2 is, as we all know, licensed under the GPLv2. In short, the 
GPL means that the source is open, but anyone can change it and keep their 
changes to themselves as long as they don't distribute Binc IMAP in binary 
form; if they do distribute it, then anyone who can get hold of that 
binary can claim the modified source. The goal of this license is to 
encourage everyone to open their modified source to everyone.

I'm looking for an appropriate license for Binc IMAP in the future. If 
anyone has any suggestions, feel free to speak up. What's important for 
Binc IMAP is:

1) It's open source, for all that means.
2) I want to encourage everyone to send their patches back to the 
   community, so that others in the same position as you can make use of 
   your adaptations.
3) I want the business world to feel good about using and modifying Binc
4) I don't want the existing Binc IMAP community (yeah, you!) to feel that 
   any new license is of hindrance for them to make use of Binc IMAP 1.4.

GPL is a little strict on adding stuff (backends, extensions). Maybe LGPL 
is an alternative?

Andy :-)

PS: The license for Binc IMAP 1.2 will not change.

Andreas Aardal Hanssen   | http://www.andreas.hanssen.name/gpg
Author of Binc IMAP      |  "It is better not to do something
http://www.bincimap.org/ |        than to do it poorly."

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