On Friday, August  5 at 02:11 PM, quoth Bob Van Zant:
I certainly like the FreeBSD license. Can't get much more open than that. No one is forced to give back their modifications under any circumstances which makes a whole lot of sense.

Makes a whole lot of sense in what respect?

The company I work for takes advantage of a lot of open source software and although it doesn't make any business sense to give back all of our changes to the open source world we do give back a lot of bug fixes and minor enhancements.

That's cool. Out of curiosity, what sorts of projects has your company contributed to?

We won't even look at GPL software.

Because you fear it, or...? I'm trying to understand the logic (or maybe just the mentality).

There are 4 boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order.
                                                             -- Unknown

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