On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 04:48:43AM +0800, wind dong wrote:
> I'd like to use IMAPdir for it's good convention for those familiar
> with POP clients. I make Maildir++ works at first, then when I try
> to use IMAPdir, it seems the mail is stored under ~Maildir/new, but
> bincimap access the ~Maildir/INBOX/new so found nothing. So I have
> to manully rm the new, cur and tmp directories under INBOX and make
> soft link to ~Maildir/new, cur and tmp, it works. but I wonder if
> there is any better way to do it automaticly, maybe as I read in
> your FAQ, to let MTA(qmail-ldap) to delivery it to INBOX's.

I use a wrapper script that is run right before bincimapd.

Here is my run file:
--8<-- run
exec 2>&1

exec -a tcpserver /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -c 100 -u 0 -g 0 \
    -l $(hostname) -HDRP                        \ 143                               \
    /usr/local/bin/bincimap-up                  \
    --logtype=multilog                          \
    --conf=/usr/local/etc/bincimap.lo.conf --   \
    /var/qmail/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw              \
    /usr/local/sbin/imapdir_inbox_link          \

And here's the script:
--8<-- imapdir_inbox_link
test -d Maildir || /var/qmail/bin/maildirmake Maildir
test -e Maildir/INBOX || /bin/ln -s . Maildir/INBOX
exec $@

The script checks for a Maildir in the current directory, if none
exists one is created with maildirmake. Then if Maildir/INBOX doesn't
exist, it is symlinked to the Maildir directory itself.

> Sorry for my English.

Your english is fine! :)


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