On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 11:03:38AM +0100, Network Operation Center FMC 
Luxemburg wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I've recently sent to you the strace of bincimap-up.

Perhaps you could send it compressed (or a link to it) to this list?
Then one of the other people here could take a look at it and we
wouldn't have to hog Andreas' free time all the time. :)

> For your info, I've reinstalled succesively bincimap-1.2.12 to
> 1.2.9. This version avoids the default of unability to delete
> folders with Thunderbird.
> For the moment, I leave this version 1.2.9 on our servers.

If these are in production I certainly understand your decision, but
I would like to appeal to you to help us find the actual problem so
that it can be fixed. Perhaps you could run a second instance of Binc
1.2.12 on a special port on one of your servers?

> _DISCLAIMER_: This e-mail contains proprietary information some or
> all of which may be legally privileged. It is for the intended
> recipient only.

These kinds of disclaimers don't make much sense, especially not when
posting to a public mailing list. Please contact whoever is in charge
of your outbound email (maybe yourself? :) and try to have them set
up a system where these disclaimers do not get added to outgoing
email directed to any public mailing lists and forums you participate
in. I know at least one list where you would simply get a reply to
your first message saying "sorry, this might not have been for us, we
can not help you since we can not use what you sent."

For secure email I suggest using a system like PGP or S/MIME.


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