On Tue, 27 Dec 2005, Network Operation Center FMC Luxemburg wrote:
> OK I've a tail -f /var/log/messages before trying to delete an empty folder :
> -I've correctly connect (bincimap-up[23103]: connection from {IP address}
> - but when I right click in Tunderbird for deleting this folder, nothing
> appears in the messages file... No action is notified.

That sounds like either Thunderbird's connection is broken, or that 
perhaps Binc fails to delete the folder for some reason, yet it reports 
success. Both sound unlikely, but I think the only way to find out is to 
try an strace. Could you try that for me?

On the server side, try connecting to the running bincimapd process that 
Thunderbird is connected to like this:

strace -s 1024 -o trace.dump -p <pid>

Then reproduce the error, close Thunderbird, and then send the trace.dump 
file here (bzip2 please, and if it's too big, just send a link to it). You 
should also check if there's any usernames / passwords in the file before 
posting it. I'm sure we can find out what's going on :-).


Andreas Aardal Hanssen   | http://www.andreas.hanssen.name/gpg
Author of Binc IMAP      |  "It is better not to do something
http://www.bincimap.org/ |        than to do it poorly."

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