On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 12:41:42PM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> Another point... why do I keep getting duplicate mail from this
> list? So far I've gotten two copies of Bob's mail, and I got
> something like 8 copies of Marcus's mail.

I've also gotten several copies of the original spam message, Marcus'
message as well as Bob's message.

I have not seen the list do this for other posts, only for the spam
messages (also previously) and the replies from Marcus and Bob.

On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 06:03:21PM +0000, Marcus D. Hanwell wrote:
> I don't know - it is going crazy. I checked my mail server logs and
> it indicates the email was sent only once as does my mail client. I
> don't think there is anything I can do to stop it.

Inspecting the Received headers shows that the message is duplicated
on the mailing list server (serenity.infeline.org
where uid 1012 is invoking qmail repeatedly to send out the same
message, with some minutes interval. I would love to know what is
causing this so I can prevent it on systems I control.

Andreas: Is it your system? Can you investigate? Would you like some

> ... but if the list is subscriber only as it appears to be then the
> paypal address should be removed from the subscription list.

Apparently that has been done several times already..


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