On 10/31/2012 10:12 AM, wbr...@e1b.org wrote:
> I have a zone file for example.org that has entries for a subdomain 
> l2.example.org like this:
>         vpn.l2     IN A
> Now they want to add a subdomain below l2, ie. ad.l2.eboces.org with hosts 
> such as dc.ad.l2.eboces.org

As someone else pointed out, you're confusing different terms here. If
all you want is to add new host names that have "l2.eboces.org" in them,
you can do that without creating a zone cut.

OTOH, if what you want to do is create a new zone at ad.l2.eboces.org
because you want to delegate it to _different_ name servers than those
authoritative for eboces.org, then yes; your safest bet is to do proper
zone cuts at each level. It's perfectly Ok to have the name servers for
l2.eboces.org be the same as those for eboces.org, just make sure you
move any related records (such as your vpn.l2 above) into the new zone

It may or may not be strictly necessary to do this depending on
everything else you have in the zone, but it's safer in the long term to
do it this way.

hope this helps,


> In the zone file for example.org, I can add NS and glue records for 
> ad.l2.example.org as this:
> dc.ad.l2                  IN A
> dr.ad.l2                  IN A
> ad.l2                         IN NS dc.ad.l2.example.org.
> ad.l2                         IN NS  dr.ad.l2.eboces.org.
> Will this work, or do I need to delegate l2.example.org before I can 
> delegate ad.l2.example.org?

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