On Oct 31 2012, Kevin Darcy wrote:

I know of at least 2 commerically-available DNS maintenance systems
that, by default, do not allow what they call "dotted hostnames", by
which they mean a name which is at least 2 labels below a zone cut, e.g.
"foo.bar" in the "example.com" zone. Their underlying assumption seems
to be that *every* level of the hierarchy will, in the
usual/typical/default case, be delegated.

I don't agree with this assumption in the slightest, but some people are
afraid of changing default behaviors...

What "default behavior"? The default behavior of (seriously) defective
DNS maintenance systems? (You wouldn't like to name-and-shame, I suppose?)

The end-point of that sort of logic is that, for example, the SRV record
for _someservice._tcp.somename.example.com has to have separate zones
for somename.example.com and _tcp.somename.example.com, probably
containing nothing but the names mentioned.  I've seen people actually
do this, and it's painful to watch.

We were never in that mess as regards the DNS itself, but we did have
an IP registration database that delegated control over names on the basis
of a "domain part" taken to be all but the first label. It was hard work
to change it to allow the "domain part" for authorisation purposes to be
any trailing set of labels, but by ${DEITY?} it was necessary!

Chris Thompson
Email: c...@cam.ac.uk
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