Thanks for the response, but that's not it. The auth-only responses are generating a lot more traffic than the recursive.


On 01/12/2014 05:21 PM, Sten Carlsen wrote:
Wild guess: network bandwidth runs out before CPU? Why the difference, I
have no clue.

On 13/01/14 02.16, Doug Barton wrote:

Without going into too much detail, doing some performance testing and
am seeing a weird result. On the same systems authoritative queries
will happily peg the CPU. However when running recursive queries (with
a small zone, all data cached before testing) the CPU never gets above
80%. The disk is nearly inactive on both systems, and there is no
swapping. Using BIND 9.9.4.

Is there perhaps something obvious I'm overlooking here? Any
suggestions are welcome.

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