On Sun, 17 Jul 2016, Spork Schivago wrote:

> So, in the /var/named directory, I create a file
> called:
> The contents of are as follows:
> $TTL 1D
> @       IN SOA  ns1.jetbbs.com. spork.jetbbs.com. (
>                                         2016071705      ; serial
>                                         1D              ; refresh
>                                         1H              ; retry
>                                         1W              ; expire
>                                         3H )            ; minimum
>        IN      NS      ns1.jetbbs.com.
>         IN      NS      ns2.jetbbs.com.
> 104     IN      PTR     franklin.jetbbs.com.
> 44      IN      PTR     franklin.jetbbs.com.

This won't work as you need NS records that match up to the zone name, 
In this case, the common zone name is only "in-addr.arpa." but no NS for 
that.  Also if it was only "in-addr.arpa." the two PTR records would be 
useless.  If your zone name does match so you have a NS record, as it is 
now, you'd have "out-of-zone data" which is ignored. Try using two 
different more specific zone files such as for 11.148.132.IN-ADDR.ARPA. 
and 117.238.104.IN-ADDR.ARPA.
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