
On point 4 there,

At this time franklin.jetbbs.com ONLY RESOLVES TO

The way I wanted it was AND    to point to
jetbbs.com   but I think I setup the DNS record wrong.   I just added
another A record for jetbbs.com and added the IP address to
it.   This part wasn't for the reverse DNS.   I got two IP addresses I'm

I got an A name for franklin, and that's the   Should I
have added another A name for franklin as well to setup the round robin
stuff?   You know, when someone connects to JetBBS.com, the first time they
connect, it takes them to   The next time they connect, it
takes them to   Is this why whenever I pinged jetbbs.com, I
only got a reply from and not from you think?
  Because I didn't setup another A name for franklin?   Thanks and sorry
for all the questions.   I know these probably aren't really bind related
questions anymore.   Thanks!

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Oscar Ricardo Silva <osi...@utexas.edu>

> A few things:
> 1. As has already been mentioned, GoDaddy probably did not delegate
> 117.238.104.in-addr.arpa to you
> 2. If a network has been delegated, for example 117.238.104.in-addr.arpa.
> then in the zone file it should like like this:
>   in      ptr franklin.jetbbs.com.
> 3. You can have GoDaddy create the corresponding PTR records for you.
> 4. At this time franklin.jetbbs.com ONLY RESOLVES TO
> Oscar
> On 07/17/2016 09:22 PM, Spork Schivago wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm new to operating a website and I'm leasing a virtual private server
>> (VPS) from GoDaddy.   I'm paying for cPanel / WHM as well.   It's
>> running CentOS 6.8 Final.  I'd like to setup reverse DNS but I'm having
>> trouble.   I'm not 100% sure how to do it.   I have my hostname,
>> franklin.jetbbs.com <http://franklin.jetbbs.com>   and there's two IP
>> addresses assigned to that hostname, and
>>    I was trying to setup a round robin kinda thing but I don't think I
>> set it up correctly.
>> Anyway, I have ns1.jetbbs.com <http://ns1.jetbbs.com> which has the IP
>> of   and then I have ns2.jetbbs.com
>> <http://ns2.jetbbs.com> that has the IP address of   I
>> wanted to know if someone could look over what I have so far and let me
>> know if it's correct and how I should proceed.
>> So, in the /var/named directory, I create a file
>> called:
>> The contents of are as follows:
>> $TTL 1D
>> @       IN SOA ns1.jetbbs.com <http://ns1.jetbbs.com>. spork.jetbbs.com
>> <http://spork.jetbbs.com>. (
>>                                          2016071705      ; serial
>>                                          1D              ; refresh
>>                                          1H              ; retry
>>                                          1W              ; expire
>>                                          3H )            ; minimum
>>        IN      NS ns1.jetbbs.com
>> <http://ns1.jetbbs.com>.
>>         IN      NS ns2.jetbbs.com
>> <http://ns2.jetbbs.com>.
>> 104     IN      PTR franklin.jetbbs.com <http://franklin.jetbbs.com>.
>> 44      IN      PTR franklin.jetbbs.com <http://franklin.jetbbs.com>.
>> Does that look correct?   If not, how should I change it?   If so,
>> what's the next step?   Thank you for your help!
>> Sincerely,
>> Ken
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