
I got the A records set back up again.   Here's the important stuff I think.

Does it look right?

; cPanel first: (update_time):1468969397
Cpanel::ZoneFile::VERSION:1.3 hostname:franklin.jetbbs.com latest:
; Zone file for jetbbs.com
$TTL 14400
jetbbs.com.     86400   IN      SOA     ns1.jetbbs.com. nslookup.jetbbs.com.
                                                2016071710     ;Serial
                                                43200          ;refresh
                                                7200           ;retry
                                                2419200        ;expire
                                                86400          ;minimum
jetbbs.com.     86400   IN      NS       ns1.jetbbs.com.
jetbbs.com.     86400   IN      NS       ns2.jetbbs.com.
jetbbs.com.     14400   IN      A
jetbbs.com.     14400   IN      A
localhost       14400   IN      A
jetbbs.com.     14400   IN      MX   0   jetbbs.com.
www             14400   IN      A
www             14400   IN      A
ns1             14400   IN      A
ns2             14400   IN      A
franklin        14400   IN      A
franklin        14400   IN      A

There's more to the file but I left it out, because it's just the records
for the whm / cPanel stuff and a few other things domain key TXT records,
etc.   I'm not sure if those are something that could be used to get into
my server or not if I shared them.

For the reverse DNS pointer records, I think when I contact GoDaddy, I'm
going to ask if they can setup a PTR record so points to
franklin.jetbbs.com and points to franklin.jetbbs.com as
well.   I think that'll help with mail filtering and stuff.


On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Spork Schivago <sporkschiv...@gmail.com>

> Thanks for the response.
> I had removed the A record after it didn't work.   I was speaking in past
> tense there.  One of the DNS checking tools I was using went nuts
> complaining about something not being right so I undid my changes.   I'll
> recreate it.
> The idea behind having two IP addresses and setting up the DNS servers was
> because I wanted to eventually setup some redundancy and play around with
> running a server out of my house.   I'll create the second A record for
> jetbbs.com again but when we get into the new house, I'll change it so
> the IP address for the second A record points to my server at the house.
> That way, if one server goes down, people can still connect.   It'd be a
> great opportunity to learn this stuff a bit more I think.
> Thanks.
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:30 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk
> > wrote:
>> On 18.07.16 19:44, Spork Schivago wrote:
>>> At this time franklin.jetbbs.com ONLY RESOLVES TO
>>> The way I wanted it was AND    to point to
>>> jetbbs.com   but I think I setup the DNS record wrong.   I just added
>>> another A record for jetbbs.com and added the IP address
>>> to
>>> it.   This part wasn't for the reverse DNS.   I got two IP addresses I'm
>>> using.
>> jetbbs.com IS NOT franklin.jetbbs.com
>> I got an A name for franklin, and that's the   Should I
>>> have added another A name for franklin as well to setup the round robin
>>> stuff?   You know, when someone connects to JetBBS.com, the first time
>>> they
>>> connect, it takes them to   The next time they connect,
>>> it
>>> takes them to
>> you don't have to set up "round robin" and you can't decide who connects
>> to
>> which IP.
>> If you set up two IP addresses for one DNS name, random servers will
>> connect
>> to random addresses in rantom times.
>> Is this why whenever I pinged jetbbs.com, I
>>> only got a reply from and not from you
>>> think?
>> that is because jetbbs.com only contains now...
>>  Because I didn't setup another A name for franklin?   Thanks and sorry
>>> for all the questions.   I know these probably aren't really bind related
>>> questions anymore.   Thanks!
>> once more: jetbbs.com IS NOT franklin.jetbbs.com !
>> FYI currently they both only contain
>> --
>> Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
>> Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
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