On 11.06.21 18:19, Sten Carlsen wrote:
From my place I resolve both to:

keiththewebguy.com. does not actually have the two nameservers required though that is not the problem. (ns1 and ns2 have same IP)

BIND seems to work ok but your local settings probably don't point your hosts to the right NS.

On 14.06.21 14:26, techli...@phpcoderusa.com wrote:
I do have the same IP in both "glue" records. GoDaddy calls them host records.

those might be different records, haven't checked godaddy's dictionary.

Server was probably off.  Thank you for your help!!

it's apparently down again.

some registrars provide you with their own nameservers that don't go down,
why don't you use those?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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