Dude!!  Thanks!!

On 2021-06-15 12:58, Lyle Giese wrote:
Yep, that fixed it.


On 6/15/21 2:23 PM, techli...@phpcoderusa.com wrote:

Thank you for your help!!  The zone file is the one I tool from Plesk when I had keiththewebguy.com parked there.  All I did was change the IP addresses.

I assume what you want me to do is add keiththewebguy.com to the two records making:

ns1.keiththewebguy.com. 86400   IN      A
keiththewebguy.com.     86400   IN      NS ns1.keiththewebguy.com.
keiththewebguy.com.     86400   IN      NS ns2.keiththewebguy.com.

From what I have read the SOA - "@       IN      SOA ns1.keiththewebguy.com. ..." the ns1.keiththewebguy.com. should be the FQDN?  That is the box host name plus the domain correct?


On 2021-06-15 07:35, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On 15.06.21 09:14, Lyle Giese wrote:
I think I stumbled upon a problem with the zone records for keiththewebguy.com.  It could be the root issue you are having.

If I run

dig ns +trace keiththewebguy.com

I got the following for the last record from your name servers:

ns1.keiththewebguy.com. 86400   IN      A
keiththewebguy.com.     86400   IN      NS      ns1.
keiththewebguy.com.     86400   IN      NS      ns2.

this is the problem.

OP's NS records point to nonexistent hosts, and these are authoritative, so
after each nameserver fetches them, it uses them and fails.

Most probably it's the "ns1" and "ns2" in zone end with "." which means that current $ORIGIN (apparently keiththewebguy.com) is not appended to them.

-- Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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