Which parental-agent to use is up to you. Something you trust.

for the moment, let's say

But if you don't have parental-agents set up, the list of keys to check will be empty. 
Hence the "not found" result.

i added

        zone "example.com" IN {
                type master; file "/namedb/master/example.com.zone";
                dnssec-policy "pgnd";
                key-directory "/keys/dnssec/example.com";
++              parental-agents {; };
                update-policy { grant pgnd-external-rndc-key zonesub txt; };

but, on restart, still see

        dnssec: error: zone example.com/IN/external: 
zone_rekey:dns_zone_getdnsseckeys failed: not found

something additional needed?

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