In addition to what Matthijs said, please make sure that all path components
in /data/chroot/named/keys/dnssec/ <> need to 
have correct permissions,
this is easy to get wrong. I've burnt on this too many times.

Easiest way how to test is switching to the user that named runs under and try
changing to the directory and checking if you can access the files.

i've double-checked my perms; if that's the cause, i've missed it :_/

testing without dnssec-policy autosiging, just manually signing,

for an active/healthy, dnssec-signed zone

        rndc dnssec -status IN external
                dnssec-policy: pgnd
                current time:  Sun Oct 16 20:44:05 2022

                key: 10729 (ECDSAP256SHA256), ZSK
                  published:      yes - since Sat Oct 15 15:52:05 2022
                  zone signing:   yes - since Sat Oct 15 15:52:05 2022

                  Next rollover scheduled on Sun Oct 30 13:47:05 2022
                  - goal:           omnipresent
                  - dnskey:         omnipresent
                  - zone rrsig:     rumoured

                key: 57122 (ECDSAP256SHA256), KSK
                  published:      yes - since Sat Oct 15 15:52:05 2022
                  key signing:    yes - since Sat Oct 15 15:52:05 2022

                  No rollover scheduled
                  - goal:           omnipresent
                  - dnskey:         omnipresent
                  - ds:             hidden
                  - key rrsig:      omnipresent

trying a manual rollover

        rndc dnssec -rollover -key 10729 IN external
                Error executing rollover command: error occurred writing key to 

where, even with debug logging, all that i see on exec is

        2022-10-16T20:56:49.979144-04:00 ns named[2036]: 16-Oct-2022 
20:56:49.977 general: info: received control channel command 'dnssec -rollover 
-key 10729 IN external'

is there a way to determine what data is being attempted to write to which 
file/location on disk?
or, generally, any more detail about what "error occurred" ?

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